Sunday, January 27, 2008


Isn't it really sad that this is 1 of 3 weddings I shot in Nov/Dec that I haven't blogged about!? I have been so bad...
Anyway, this was a super fun wedding that I shot over in Seattle at Lord Hill Farms. I actually looked at the facility for my wedding - so I was already a fan. It's such a nice setting and a beautiful view of the country. We had a gorgeous day and it was perfect. I just adore Brian's family and I was so honored to be apart of another wedding in their family. I had SO much fun. =)

On the alter after their first sight

Their friends were so much fun -

Amy...I had to do it...

Amy & Bevon - married AUG 2006 - there's a chance you might recognize them from my website =)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Here are a few images from hanging out with Katrina & Justin back in, I think, October! I've been a bad blogger. Anyway, I had a great time hanging out with them and enjoying one of the last great days of the fall. We had rescheduled 2 times because of the crazy winds and we finally got a gorgeous day. Speaking of gorgeous!!!!

I love making guys do this...=)


It has been such a long time since I did this engagement you might be able to tell from the condition of the park...but it was a great time. Christina was a gorgeous bridesmaid in a wedding I shot a few years ago and now she's going to be a gorgeous bride herself. I'm really excited because they are getting married in a mansion in Spokane and I LOVE traveling to capture a wedding. It's actually coming up soon and I can't wait!

Friday, January 04, 2008


OK, so I just realized that I have posted ONLY 2 WEDDING IMAGES FROM 2007 ON MY WEBSITE!!!!! Time for some updates! I think I'm going to just start a new gallery because I couldn't bare to take any of my older images off. Yes, I'll do that. =)

I've barely shared anything from 2007 on the site. The pregnancy & new baby has just kept me so busy...

Look for an update soon - I'm excited to share all the fabulous weddings from 2007 and a ton of my other shoots!

OH, also, I'm almost completely booked for 2008's May-September so if you're interested in me photographing your wedding please check soon to make sure I'm available.

It's a great day - I just ordered a ton of new gear and I'm all giddy happy! =)